Some very good research here group on soaps and soap trailers - well done!
You do need to define brands and branding - see your class notes - get some quotes e.g. Naomi Klein etc...
Why is branding important when selling a product ( in your case a Soap)?
Also define your idea/plan for your project.
Move onto target audience - you need an age range, gender bias, race and socio-economic status ( if relevant) - you can have secondary audiences that are wider but you need a more specific target - dont forget to use Young and Rubicon for your psychographic profiling too. Dont forget to put your questionnaires and results on here also.
Now move on and look quickly at your other key concepts and we should be starting to see some planning - location shots/casting shots/storyboards etc... Remember to outline your soap and the brand image you are trying to create through your products.
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