For our ancillary tasks, we have chosen to create the front cover of a TV listings magazine and a range of promotional material to promote our soap and our trailer. We are going to create a number of posters, including billboard posters and one for bus stops. All these promotional materials will enable us to create our brand image along with promoting our soap and trailer.
We have researched a number of soap posters that are possible inspirations for our own production. Below, is a poster for ITV's Moving Wallpaper and Echo Beach, which were created by ITV to promote the programme. The poster is good inspiration for our task as it has simple shots that easily convey what the programme is about. The use of the puppet string, shows that the writers of Moving wallpaper are controlling Echo Beach, the use of props, facial expression and body language connotate the programme content and what the soap is about.

Below is another poster for an ITV programme, this time a drama and the genre is clearly show in the image. The use of the action still shot, creates a sense of realism and allows the audience to feel 'in the moment.' The poster promotes the programme well and people who are not familiar with The Bill, will be aware of the genre and what to expect of the programme. We are aiming to do the same, by creating posters that will enable the audience to fully understand what our soap is about and clearly understand representations of the characters.

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